College Planning & Management

NOV 2012

College Planning & Management is the information resource for professionals serving the college and university market. Covering facilities, security, technology and business.

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building team was reviewing their progress every two to three days, rather than every two to three weeks. By doing so, they were able to assess right away if they required more manpower to stay on schedule. The process also resulted in increased trust and accountability, leading to a stable network of commitments and reliable hand-offs between all the trades. This increased reliability meant a smaller likelihood of in- troducing mistakes that needed to be fi xed, which naturally reduced the cost of the overall project and shortened the schedule by avoiding errors, poor quality, and the need to repeat work. The MassArt team utilized four key principles to ensure project schedule reli- ability throughout the process: • Reverse phase scheduling. A schedule was created within the parameters of the master milestone schedule to allow sub- contractors to plan the project, starting with the work activity and then working backwards to the start of the schedule. This ensured that all contractors consid- ered the work that must be done prior to any scheduled activity. • Rolling six-week look-ahead schedule. Activities that were dropped from the reverse phase schedule were moved to this schedule and expanded upon. • Weekly work plans. These were the plans brought to all weekly production meet- ings by all subcontractors so that the construction manager could ensure the team was on track for that week. • Percent complete calculations. These calculations illustrated what each sub- contractor actually accomplished against established weekly work plans. This was completed to ensure activities got back on track and identify trends for failure that may be improved in future planning. Overcoming Resistance Because Lean is such a new approach to construction management, there were some disbelievers when the process was fi rst introduced. Once a skeptic of the Last Planner System, Jim McCoy, Suffolk's /HW XV VKRZ \RX KRZ 1-3$ FRQWUDFWV FDQ KHOS \RX JHW WKHUH $V D JRYHUQPHQW DJHQF\ 1-3$ FRPSHWLWLYHO\ ELGV FRQWUDFWV RQ EHKDOI RI RXU PHPEHUV UHVXOWLQJ LQ KLJKO\ YDOXHG QDWLRQDOO\ OHYHUDJHG FRQWUDFWV ZLWK ZRUOG FODVV VXSSOLHUV

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